{Customer Spotlight} Jenny, minimally invasive dental hygienist

customer spotlight on Jenny G. Azalea Dentistry Tyler TX

Welcome to our Customer Spotlight Series - where we brag about some of our beloved customers!


Today, we're chatting with Jenny
She's a wife, mama to 2 and a dental hygienist at
a minimally invasive dental office.


Red's Gone Green green heart  What keeps you busy during the day?

Juggling my job as a dental hygienist at Azalea Dental Care
and taking care of my 18 month old and 4 year old. 


Red's Gone Green green heart  What shade of green do you consider yourself? 

a) Forest Green....I hug trees for a living
b) Christmas Green...For the most part, I live a natural lifestyle
c) Light Green...I'm just starting out on my Green Journey
d) Red....I'm the complete opposite of crunchy, but I love the smell of your cleaners



Christmas tree green

Red's Gone Green green heart  Why did you choose to join our subscription service, the Green Clean Club? 

I was looking for a more natural and non-toxic alternative for cleaning products. Bonus that the products smell fantastic!

Red's Gone Green green heart  What makes minimally invasive dental care different than conventional dental care?

The biggest difference is that we focus on prevention and not treatment. We try to find the root cause of any dental issues instead of just treating symptoms. 

Red's Gone Green green heart  Give us 1-2 things we can do to get started caring for our teeth more naturally.

Start by balancing the PH levels of your mouth. We know that many of the dental issues we see are caused by an acidic and sugary environment. We have products in our office that can help you do this. Some of our favorite products are a silver tooth gel and a baking soda based cleansing powder. 

Red's Gone Green green heart  If you could tell mommas of young kiddos just one thing for caring for their kids teeth, what would it be?

Drink more water and ditch the juice.

To learn more about Azalea Dental and a natural alternative to braces, visit: azaleadentalcare.com